Today’s prayer…

Today my prayer for myself is to be self-controlled, even when I do not agree.  I pray that we all can understand that the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5 includes self-control.  This helps our ability to respond in the way God desires, versus how we desire.  Have you noticed I use the desire contrast a lot yet?  (For those who know me or receive the ‘Prayer for the Day’) 🙂

I am a firm believer that the old adage about people making emotional decisions then rationalize them later has truth to it.  I just qualify the emotion as want.  A good definition of ‘want’ is the combination of will with desire.  Desire without will is like a person with potential who does not apply themselves.  It is useless.  It is not until we apply the will to make it happen that there is progress.  Just like wanting to do something only becomes reality when our desire and will combine.

So, think of doing all that God has commanded in this way.  It is great to acknowledge being blessed, but like James said, what good is faith without works.  If your life does not display the fruits of the spirit, then are you really in good with God?  If you want to be in heaven but do not have the will to make God your desire, do you think you are really going to be there?  Something to dwell upon this weekend.

In Him, Amen!

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